Things To Do in 2008

*Cannon River Valley Trail (bike)
*Douglas Trail (bike)
*Another Half-Marathon
*Goal Weight 160 pounds

Monday, April 28, 2008

Healthy You Challenge

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193.16 lbs
-1.54 lbs this week
-3.08 lbs total

I'll take it!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Is it the Fiber??

I felt like a block of concrete on the TM today. I'm thinking all the fiber has me feeling really bloated and nauseated....not to mention it feels like I have aliens moving around in my intestines who are also making what goes into the toilet look quite otherworldly. Sorry, that was gross.

So even though my workout sucked-at least I did it. I also got in all my fiber. Water not so great-probably 6 glasses. Well I am off to bed. Hopefully the aliens in my belly will calm down soon.

Monday, April 21, 2008


It is unbelievable how out of shape I am. Tonite I aimed for 3 miles on the TM and was only able to complete 2.6 miles in 40 minutes. I feel like I am starting all over from scratch as far as my running is concerned. The Half-Marathon I have decided on is the Louisville Half-Marathon on October 19th. I am from Louisville so it will be cool to do my 1st Half in my hometown. But as for now I am just trying to build back up my baseline cardio endurance. I can do this, I just know I can! My goal is to complete my first Half-Marathon with 12 minute miles. Last year I ended the season with 13 minute miles so I am hoping that 12 minute miles will be attainable for me.

As for this week I am aiming for cardio at least 5 times....6 if my body agrees. Also, I am trying to incorporate 40g of fiber and 12 glasses of water into my diet per day as my personal trainer said this is the miracle combination for burning fat, especially in the belly. I have noticed alot of people posting about fiber and water lately so there must be some truth to it. I will keep you updated on the fiber/water experiment next week. I guess the scale will reveal how effective it is. Today though it looks like I will fall a bit short with 20g fiber and 8 glasses of water.

Healthy You Challenge/ 20-week B-Day Challenge Week 1

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Well I decided to make my weigh in day Monday...mainly because it makes more sense in my brain....and if you are going to get bad news, well, Monday seems like the most appropriate day.

But I don't necessarily have bad news. I am down 1.3 pounds to 194.7. Not super-awesome, but I will definitely take it. So this week I will just keep on trucking and continue to try and find the joy in the baby steps :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Healthy You Challenge Tuesday

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So this is my first week with the Healthy You Challenge Group. Thanks so much for all of your encouraging comments. This week has been alot better for me as far as working out and eating is concerned. I just realized that I have 20 weeks exactly until my birthday, which I have celebrated as a birthmonth for the last two as a sub-challenge I am thinking of a 20 week birthday challenge, but I haven't come up with all the details as of yet. Anyway, about to go run my 3 miles for the day......

Oh yeah, starting weight for me is 196 lbs.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Thing About Accountability….

Is that it makes you feel…..well, accountable. 1 of all 3 of my faithful readers (Matt) suggested that I post how many times I actually exercised last week and to be honest. The answer is zero my friends…yes, you heard correctly….a big fat zero. Surprisingly, however, I am not discouraged and I know this week is the week for me. While it is no real excuse-- the 30 degree weather, gloominess, and snow in April really did have an effect on me last week and I battled with gloominess of spirits. Nevertheless, I am excited about getting back on track for this week and feel that this will be one of my best weeks ever. I will post later about my awesome workout and how great (or not) it made me feel. I haven't mustered up the strength to weigh myself though….I'm not feeling that accountable as of yet J

Speaking of which--what are your thoughts about the scale. Is it a good tool to help keep one on track--or an evil devil of a machine that should be smashed with a hammer and then burned while you chant "DIE, you evil bitch!!! DIE!!!!!!!!!"......ahem, just wondering.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Thing About Being Inconsistent....

is that you don't want to blog about it. But here I am confessing my sins asking for all of your blogland prayers and good energy. Just say "Lord, please help this girl get off her arse!!" Yes, it is cold and snowy in MN, and while it makes me feel like sh*t, it is still not a sufficient excuse to just not workout for a week. I've got to get it together sometime before I die right?!?!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

So The New Plan Is...

I have really been in denial about how out of shape I am! Not that I was totally in-shape at the end of last years running season. I, for some reason, had the delusion that I could just pick up where I left off after 6 months of slothen inconsistency....but now I admit I was wrong. I still have the goal of running a half-marathon this year, just not anytime soon. I was shooting for the end of May but honestly I don't see that happening without either injury or burning myself out.
I do the run/walk method. Last year I ran 10min/walked 1 min and could complete the 8k distance doing so. As of today I run 10/walk 2......and I can only do that for one cycle before I switch to run5/walk5. It's pretty pathetic, but I have just come to terms with the fact that it is going to take time.
So now I am just using the Spring to build up both endurance and mileage. I can currently go 4 miles before my body starts going WTF is up with you lady??!?!?! Thus, the plan is to alternate between 3 and 4 miles for the next couple of weeks while increasing the amount of 10/2 cycles. After that I will start to increase my mileage and cycles at the same time.
Realistically,it looks like my half marathon days will not come until late Summer or Fall. I am not Superwoman....and I'm okay with that :)

Monday, April 7, 2008


- 3 POUNDS AND COUNTING ON! This is encouraging considering that I had mucho pizza this weekend and the fact that hormones are raging. Yesssss.

I, too, struggle to Overcome My "Piece of Sh*t Ways"!!!

My dream weekends usually consist of sleeping in until at least 1pm....3pm on a good day and then sitting in my room overdosing on mindless reality TV and YouTube eating all kinds of crazy concoctions that run thru my brain....and let's not forget the cocktails. That's why this video touched me so. I feel you Jimmy Kimmel!! Although ultimately I am really trying to change my piece of sh*t ways. It's the hardest thing I have ever done!!

If when you click on the following video it tells you it is no longer available--just click on menu in the bottom right hand corner and go to the url directly. I don't know why it does that!

Friday, April 4, 2008

This is Where I am

I am inconsistent as hell!!...and this is my blog journaling my weight loss and my long term goal of becoming a truly athletic person. The person that is in my head that eventually completes a full IronMan competition in the future.

Three years ago I weighed in at a very hefty 232. I have lost over 30 pounds since then and am still on a mission to lose more. Last year I got into running (although I am still more of a jogger). I completed a 5K as well as an 8K. Both were loads of fun and the sense of accomplishment that I felt was very rewarding. My goal this year is to complete at least one half marathon, ideally two.

The problem is-as I have stated before-I am extremely inconsistent. I used to have a blog called "From Athleat to Athlete", but accidentally deleted now I must start all over :( ....and 8 pounds heavier at that!!

Anyway, my new journey begins--the old one continues. This is my story. This is where I am.

The following pictures are from where I was (my "before pics")---lookin like somebody's mama when I dont even HAVE any kids!