Things To Do in 2008

*Cannon River Valley Trail (bike)
*Douglas Trail (bike)
*Another Half-Marathon
*Goal Weight 160 pounds

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

So The New Plan Is...

I have really been in denial about how out of shape I am! Not that I was totally in-shape at the end of last years running season. I, for some reason, had the delusion that I could just pick up where I left off after 6 months of slothen inconsistency....but now I admit I was wrong. I still have the goal of running a half-marathon this year, just not anytime soon. I was shooting for the end of May but honestly I don't see that happening without either injury or burning myself out.
I do the run/walk method. Last year I ran 10min/walked 1 min and could complete the 8k distance doing so. As of today I run 10/walk 2......and I can only do that for one cycle before I switch to run5/walk5. It's pretty pathetic, but I have just come to terms with the fact that it is going to take time.
So now I am just using the Spring to build up both endurance and mileage. I can currently go 4 miles before my body starts going WTF is up with you lady??!?!?! Thus, the plan is to alternate between 3 and 4 miles for the next couple of weeks while increasing the amount of 10/2 cycles. After that I will start to increase my mileage and cycles at the same time.
Realistically,it looks like my half marathon days will not come until late Summer or Fall. I am not Superwoman....and I'm okay with that :)

1 comment:

Byler B said...

I really enjoyed reading your blog! Thanks for writing!