Things To Do in 2008

*Cannon River Valley Trail (bike)
*Douglas Trail (bike)
*Another Half-Marathon
*Goal Weight 160 pounds

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Thing About Accountability….

Is that it makes you feel…..well, accountable. 1 of all 3 of my faithful readers (Matt) suggested that I post how many times I actually exercised last week and to be honest. The answer is zero my friends…yes, you heard correctly….a big fat zero. Surprisingly, however, I am not discouraged and I know this week is the week for me. While it is no real excuse-- the 30 degree weather, gloominess, and snow in April really did have an effect on me last week and I battled with gloominess of spirits. Nevertheless, I am excited about getting back on track for this week and feel that this will be one of my best weeks ever. I will post later about my awesome workout and how great (or not) it made me feel. I haven't mustered up the strength to weigh myself though….I'm not feeling that accountable as of yet J

Speaking of which--what are your thoughts about the scale. Is it a good tool to help keep one on track--or an evil devil of a machine that should be smashed with a hammer and then burned while you chant "DIE, you evil bitch!!! DIE!!!!!!!!!"......ahem, just wondering.


Viv said...

I am bad about the scale jumping on the devil twice a day. I notice that exercising has shrunken so let's get to it :-)

I will be coming by to check you accountability! Together we shall overcome..right?!

Felicia said...

Welcome to the Healthy You Challenge!! Best wishes to you on your journey!!

Felicia =0)

Ready Maid said...

First of all, welcome to HYC! I hope you'll find, as I have, a world of new friends - many of whom have much more experience than I do - at being accountable and actually working a program.

You'll also find many variations of healthy eating and exercise, all of which boils down to a simple formula: you have to expend more calories than you consume to lose weight. Ahhh, if it were only that simple.

I've got two suggestions that have really helped me -
1) For the mental work, Dr. Phil's Weight Solution.
2) For sensible, programmed eating and exercise - complete with intuitive online calorie counters and online personalized coaching - Bob Greene's BestLife plan.

Good luck. We'll stay in touch!

Lynn said...

I hate the scale.

I don't even own one. (Perhaps that's how I got to this size in the first place, eh?)

But even now, working on my weight and fitness, I don't want one. There's not too many calories burned by hopping on the scale 8 times a day, right?

I weigh in once a week at my Weight Watchers meetings, and given how that number can dictate my mood for several days following... forget it! If I had a scale, my husband would kill me...

Welcome to the Healthy You challenge!

Twix said...

The weathet gets me down too. As for the scale I am to the point of smashing it with a hammer! Chanting just that...hee!! :D Have a super Tuesday!

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Welcome to the HYC!

Bad weather affects me the same way. I just want to curl up with a good book and ignore the nastiness outside. Granted, a big book might help my biceps, but probably not much. :)

As far as the scale goes, I think it's a good measuring tool, but it's not the only one. If we eat the right foods and work out fairly diligently, then the scale will eventually do what we want it to. Besides, if we smash it to smithereens, thus burning extra calories, how will we see how much weight we lost from it? *G*

Lora said...

Welcome to the Healthy Challenge!

The feelings. It keeps me accountable - but it also rules my moods.

No happy medium *sigh*

sauchagirl said...

I think the scale can be great at keeping you on track. If I'm not jumping on it once a week I know it's because I've been having a tough time in the eating and exercising dept.

Welcome to Healthy You. I think you'll find the group very supportive.

Anonymous said...

I am rolling laughing right now at the scale chant! Hilarious! And somedays, that's me. I mean, I really do have a love/hate with the thing.

Right now I am STUCK at 156.4 and it's been almost a month (with slight fluctuations but it always goes back to that number on weigh-in day). Evil? I think so.

I weigh myself twice a day but am seriously rethinking that. Not sure if I want to break the habit yet or not.

Thanks for your honest post! :)