Things To Do in 2008

*Cannon River Valley Trail (bike)
*Douglas Trail (bike)
*Another Half-Marathon
*Goal Weight 160 pounds

Monday, April 21, 2008

Healthy You Challenge/ 20-week B-Day Challenge Week 1

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Well I decided to make my weigh in day Monday...mainly because it makes more sense in my brain....and if you are going to get bad news, well, Monday seems like the most appropriate day.

But I don't necessarily have bad news. I am down 1.3 pounds to 194.7. Not super-awesome, but I will definitely take it. So this week I will just keep on trucking and continue to try and find the joy in the baby steps :)


HappyBlogChick said...

Congrats on your loss! 1.3 lbs is wonderful.

I can't wait to read about your training for the half-marathons.

Heather said...

hey I think that IS super awesome. I would love to lose that in a week. and just think of how those pounds all add up.